For the immune system to function correctly it must not be over active or under active. An under active immune system is where the body is always falling sick, the infections last for weeks and your immune system doesn’t seem to be able to protect you from regular infections. An over active immune system is not good either as this results in the body attacking its own cells and causing an auto immune condition. Common auto-immune conditions are: Graves’ disease, hastimotos, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus to name a few.
Causes of an imbalanced (over or under active) immune system:
Chronic viral infections (EBV, CMV, Shingles)
Gut Infections (Candida Overgrowth, SIBO, H. Pylori, E.coli Parasites, etc)
Food Intolerances
Vitamin & Minerals deficiencies
Poor Diet
Chronic Stress
With a comprehensive naturopathic consultation and specialised functional testing, we can pinpoint the cause of your unhealthy immune system and to get you feeling better again